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Can Labradors Eat Potatoes? (Mashed, Raw, Skins, etc.)

As potatoes are a typical household ingredient, I frequently grab some, boil or mash them, and add them to my Labrador’s food at my shelter. But how well does it work? During my early days feeding my many rescue dogs, I wondered, “Can Labradors eat potatoes?” Are you like me too?

Labradors can eat potatoes. They are a safe and nutritious source of carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals when prepared without harmful ingredients like salt, onions, or garlic and served in moderation. However, avoid feeding raw or green potatoes, which can be toxic.

Although potatoes are high in carbohydrates, they are technically okay for your Labrador to eat. Yet, there are limitations on feeding. Wish to learn more about them?

In this article, we will explore the nutritional benefits of potatoes for Labradors, how exactly to feed them, and discuss any potential risks associated with feeding potatoes to your furry friend.

Head on to this detailed guide!

Can Labradors Eat Potatoes?

Potatoes are good for Labradors. If appropriately prepared, these can be a healthy and nourishing addition to your dog’s diet. In addition to carbohydrates and fiber, potatoes are rich in vitamin B6, magnesium, iron, and vitamin C. They can promote immune system health, decrease blood pressure, and help digestion.

But how do you feed them to your dog? First up, don’t feed raw or green potatoes!

Raw potatoes contain solanine, a compound that can be toxic to dogs, especially when consumed in large amounts. This Labrador Retriever puppy had a lucky escape and recovered from solanine poisoning.

Cooking or boiling potatoes can significantly reduce the solanine levels, making them a safer option for your Labrador.

Additionally, cooked or mashed potatoes are easier for their digestive system to handle compared to raw potatoes, which can be hard on their stomachs.

“Although they’re safe, don’t regularly feed your dog potatoes. I like to mix them with other vegetables and feed twice a week.”

To provide the best potato experience for your Labrador, avoid using potato skins, which can still contain traces of solanine even after cooking. Also, refrain from adding unhealthy seasonings and high-fat toppings, as these can harm your dog’s health.

Benefits & Risks of Feeding Potato to Labradors

While potatoes provide many health advantages, there are also some possible hazards. Here is a concise summary of the advantages and disadvantages of giving your Labrador Retriever potatoes.

Benefits of Potato for Labradors:

  • Vitamin C: Potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps strengthen your Lab’s immune system and supports collagen synthesis for healthy skin and joints.
  • Potassium: High in potassium, potatoes contribute to maintaining your Labrador’s muscle function, overall fluid balance, and nerve transmission.
  • Carbohydrates: As a source of complex carbohydrates, potatoes can provide your Labrador with a steady source of energy throughout the day.
  • Calcium: Potatoes also contain calcium, which is necessary for strong bones and teeth, nerve transmission, and muscle function.
  • Digestibility: The inclusion of potatoes in your dog’s kibble promotes better palatability and digestibility, according to a recent study.

Here is a brief table with the nutritional information of raw potatoes, according to the US Department of Agriculture:

NutrientAmount per 100g
Carbohydrates17.5 g
Fiber2.1 g
Vitamin B60.298mg
Nutrients in potatoes for Labradors

Perhaps you can add potatoes to add flavor and more taste to their regular food? In fact, it’s an excellent addition to enhance the eating experience of your Labrador.


With the benefits covered, let’s now look at the disadvantages.

Risks of Potato for Labradors:

  • Weight gain: Too many potatoes may lead to weight gain in your dog due to their high carbohydrate content. Be mindful of portion sizes and adjust your dog’s calorie intake to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Diabetes: Potatoes have a high glycemic index, which means they can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. If your Labrador is prone to or suffers from diabetes, you should consult your vet before introducing potatoes into their diet.
  • Allergies or Intolerances: Some Labs may develop allergic reactions or food intolerances to potatoes. If you notice any signs of gastrointestinal upset, skin irritation, or other strange symptoms after feeding potatoes, consult your vet.
  • Heart health: Potatoes are a cholesterol-free food, but regular overconsumption may lead to weight gain in dogs, indirectly affecting their heart health. Obesity in dogs is a significant risk factor for heart disease. Recently, the FDA released a report linking potatoes to the development of dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs, but further research is needed.

How to Feed Potatoes To Your Labrador

Feeding potatoes to your Labrador can be a nutritious supplement to their diet when correctly prepared. Potatoes can be a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber for your furry friend. However, you should take proper precautions to ensure a balanced diet and avoid potential health issues.

First, ensure the potatoes are cooked adequately before feeding them to your Labrador. Boiling, steaming, or mashing potatoes are perfect, as frying them can introduce excessive fats and oils.

When preparing potatoes for your Labrador, avoid adding salt, butter, or other seasonings. These ingredients can be detrimental to your dog’s health and may lead to complications such as pancreatitis. Instead, offer plain cooked potatoes (no skin) to prevent digestive problems.

Ideal Quantity

You should only give potatoes as an occasional treat or supplement to their regular meals, not as a staple component of their diet. Overfeeding potatoes can lead to weight gain and disrupt the balance of nutrients your Labrador requires.

Use the table below to determine the correct amount of potatoes for your Labrador based on age.

Life Stage of LabradorWeightIdeal Amount of Potato
Puppy10-25 lbs1/4 to 1/2 cup
Adolescent25-50 lbs1/2 to 1 cup
Adult50-75 lbs1 to 1 1/2 cup
Senior75+ lbs1/2 to 1 cup

You should note that this table is only a guideline, and the amount of potato your Labrador needs may vary depending on factors such as activity level, overall health, and individual metabolism.

It’s always best to consult your veterinarian to determine the appropriate amount of food for your Labrador at each life stage.

“You must prevent weight gain by including potato as part of your Lab’s balanced diet, and serve it in bite-sized pieces to ensure portion control.”

When introducing potatoes to your Labrador, start with smaller amounts and gradually increase the portion size as your dog becomes accustomed to the new food. Constantly monitor your dog’s reaction to any new food items.

Young Labrador

Signs of a Negative Response to Potatoes

Potatoes can be a nutritious and unharmful food for Labrador Retrievers if prepared and served correctly. However, there is a slim chance of a potential allergy or adverse reaction if your Labrador already has a condition or you’ve fed the wrong way.

Some signs of a bad reaction in Labradors after consuming potatoes may include:

  • Allergies
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Gas
  • Skin issues

Can you believe that various dog owners have shared openly on a public forum about potato poisoning? That’s as fast and intense as it can get if your Labrador is allergic to potatoes.

Once you identify a bad reaction, what’s next?

Here’s an action plan to execute:

Adverse Reaction What to Do
AllergiesContact your vet and discontinue potatoes.
DiarrheaStop potato intake. Go ahead with a bland diet.
GasReduce or stop potato intake.
Skin issuesContact your vet for treatment. Find out if there are other causes too.
VomitingMonitor your dog and seek veterinary assistance if it continues or worsens.

Alternative Veggies for Labrador Retrievers

If not potatoes, what other veggies can you give to your Labrador?

Below is a list of some alternatives, along with a brief description of each and how to feed them:

  • Sweet Potato: Rich in dietary fiber and various vitamins, sweet potatoes can be the perfect alternative to potatoes. Ensure you cook them well before serving, and avoid adding any seasonings.
  • Carrots: Carrots are low in calories and high in vitamin A and fiber, making them a nutritious addition to your Labrador’s diet. You can serve them raw or lightly cooked. Cut into small pieces for easy consumption.
  • Peas: Peas are a good source of proteins, vitamins, and minerals and can be easily mixed with your dog’s food. Opt for fresh or frozen peas, and cook them before serving.
  • Corn: This carbohydrate alternative offers essential nutrients. You can mix cooked corn kernels with your dog’s food or offer a small amount as a snack, but avoid feeding them the cob as it can cause blockages in their digestive system.
  • Green Beans: Green beans are low in calories and high in fiber, making them an excellent snack or meal addition. They can be served cooked or raw. Just make sure to remove any strings and trim the ends.
  • Pumpkin: Rich in vitamins and fiber, pumpkin can help regulate your dog’s digestion. You can feed cooked, plain pumpkin or mix a small amount of canned pumpkin into their food. Don’t give pumpkin pie filling, as it contains added sugars and spices that can harm your dog.

Remember to introduce new foods gradually to avoid upsetting your Labrador’s stomach, and always consult your veterinarian before making significant changes to their diet.

If you’re looking for more alternatives, here’s a complete list of safe vegetables for your dog.

Selection of Vegetables


Can Labradors eat other starchy foods?

Labradors can eat other starchy foods in moderation as part of a balanced diet. Some examples of starchy foods that can be included in a Labrador’s diet include sweet potatoes, rice, quinoa, and oats. These foods can provide energy and nutrients.

Can Labradors eat raw potatoes?

Labradors should not eat raw potatoes as they contain solanine, a toxic compound that can cause digestive problems, vomiting, and diarrhea. Therefore, you must always cook potatoes before feeding them to your Labrador, as the cooking process helps reduce the amount of solanine so that it’s safe for dogs to eat. 

Can Labradors eat fries?

Fried foods like fries are not recommended for Labradors as they are high in fat, calories, and sodium. Additionally, fast-food restaurants often use cooking oils and additives that can be toxic to dogs, such as onion and garlic powder, which can cause hemolytic anemia. Sticking to healthy, dog-friendly treats or feeding a little plain mashed potato is best.

Can Labradors eat potato skins?

Labradors can eat potato skins, but only if they are cooked and free from oils and seasonings high in salt and fat. If the potato skins are raw, they should not be fed to dogs because they contain solanine, a natural toxin that can lead to gastrointestinal problems.

Concluding Thoughts

Labradors can indeed enjoy potatoes as part of a healthy diet. Potatoes are a great source of carbs, vitamins, and minerals that can give your furry friend the energy they need to run, jump, and play.

However, moderation is vital; potatoes should be cooked properly to avoid potential health risks. Always consult your veterinarian to determine the best diet for your Labrador based on their unique needs and health status.

Happy feeding!


  • Sowmya Sankaran

    Sowmya Sankaran is the founder of Dogs Mond. For over a decade, she has dedicated her life to rescuing and rehabilitating dogs and providing them with a safe and loving environment. In 2017, Sowmya established the Life With Equality Charitable Trust, an animal shelter in Chennai, India. As her passion for animal welfare continued, she devoted most of her time to positive reinforcement training to rehabilitate her rescues. She also has a wealth of experience in canine health, nutrition, and care. Find her on Linkedin!

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